Pregnant Russian women flying to Argentina for citizenship, officials say

Pregnant Russian women flying to Argentina for citizenship, officials say

The second group is focused on food emergencies, especially with regards to the trans community. Trans people are particularly vulnerable in our country and many, even today, earn a living from prostitution. So we established measures for them, including food delivery to their homes and protections to prevent them from being evicted. The speech came just months after the country became the most populous in Latin America to legalize abortion, fulfilling one of Mr. Fernández’s key promises during his campaign for president.

  • A mother holds her daughter as she prepares to take her to day care, in Argentina, on April 15, 2009.
  • In 2010, Argentina became the first Latin American country to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • Free with trial Young woman drinking traditional Argentinian yerba mate tea.
  • Her admiration for the independent, “pioneer” spirit among the local population comes through in her voice, especially when she talks about those who came here when the province was still a territory.

“Now comes a moment of feminist pedagogy about this right to be able to speak about and explain to as many people as possible that this is a right that we have and that we are citizens who can make our own decisions about our bodies.” In 2018, the #NiUnaMenos movement transitioned into the Green Wave demonstrations, which call for legal and safe access to abortions in Latin America. Years later, “this massive mobilization was also able to draw attention to another longstanding fight which was reproductive health and rights,” Ximena Casas tells NPR. She is an Americas Researcher for the women’s rights division at Human Rights Watch in Madrid. Her death, along with other similar high-profile murders of young women in Argentina at the time, was a breaking point for women there. Six years on, the work of #NiUnaMenos activists in Latin America continues Ni Una Menos, or Not One Less, started out in Argentina as a slogan chanted by thousands protesting the murders of young women.

According to Mitchell Warren, executive director of the HIV nonprofit organization AVAC, public and nonprofit investment in HIV cure research hit about $335 million globally in 2020 — up from $88 million in 2012. While these three cases have stirred considerable excitement, the treatment the men received is too toxic to attempt as a cure for HIV in anyone who is not also facing cancer treatable with a stem cell transplant. Since Brown’s case was first published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2009, scientists have failed a number of other times to cure HIV in individuals through similar means. That study’s authors found that these individuals’ immune systems appeared to have preferentially destroyed cells that harbored HIV capable of producing viable new copies of the virus.

Women’s rights

The Generation Equality Forum inspired a collective 40 billion dollars dedicated to accelerating gender equality worldwide, programmatic commitments… This section captures how each OGP member can play a leadership role, based on IRM-based findings and third-party scores.

It’s a case that highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic has made violence against women in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and other countries worse, according to Beatriz Nice, a program assistant for the Wilson Center’s Latin American Program. In 2018, the International Monetary Fund and the Macri administration agreed on a US$57 billion loan. At time of writing, the Fernández administration was re-negotiating the IMF loan amid a deep economic crisis that predates the pandemic and was deepened by it. The crisis has severely impacted people living in poverty, who according to government statistics amount to 40 percent of the population.

Pregnant Russian women flying to Argentina for citizenship, officials say

While in class with Argentines, female classmates and I fervently discussed our experiences, sharing our stories and the catcall-culture we encountered. When abroad, you are likely to experience uncomfortable aspects of cultural assimilation, but this level of discomfort should never be asked of you—and it wasn’t asked of me. I chose to be relatively private about my experience, but the on-site IFSA office staff immediately swept in to help. You may be trying to practice cultural relativism and extend latitude where you wouldn’t back home, but assault, rape, and sexual harassment are undeniably wrong everywhere and never your fault. The line between necessary cultural adjustment and street harassment is difficult to parse, but it firmly exists. Discomfort is a thing apart from insecurity, and both IFSA staff and Argentine women can help you distinguish between the two and resolve issues that cross that line. By now, the link between authoritarianism and the repression of women and gender nonconforming people is clear.

The latest available data from the National Registry of Femicides, administered by the Supreme Court, reported 251 femicides—the murder of women based on their gender—and only four convictions, in 2020. With regard to the organization of family life, Argentina has a history of social conservatism, and the influence of Catholicism in Argentina has been very strong throughout the 20th century.

Due to Covid-19 related restrictions, most schools were closed between March and December 2020 and for shorter periods in some parts of the country in 2021, when a gradual return to classes took place. The impact was greatest on low-income families, UNICEF said, and around 20 percent of those who dropped out in 2020 were still without schooling in May 2021. In March 2018, an appeals court upheld a decision ordering pretrial detention for now-Vice President Fernández de Kirchner for allegedly conspiring with Iranian officials to undermine the bombing investigation during her presidency.

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