Ukraines first lady: Women bearing the brunt of the war

Ukraines first lady: Women bearing the brunt of the war

At a time when men between 18 and 60 were banned from leaving the country, these women delivered President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s request for military hardware and humanitarian assistance. UNFPA urgently needs flexible financing to scale up its operations in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. Most urgently UNFPA needs financing to provide essential medical supplies and deploy further trained personnel to deliver life-saving services.

She and her team have spent the past eight years documenting some 28,000 Russian war crimes in Ukraine, from murder and torture to rape. She describes Russian treatment of Ukrainians as showing ‘genocidal intent’. ‘A Ukrainian woman can do anything.’ These words from Maryna Popatenko, Ukraine’s deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, capture the critical role women have had to play as their country has come under attack from Russia. Mother and daughter were in a filtration camp for Ukrainian prisoners of war captured in the southern city of Mariupol, and Obidina was about to be whisked away to a Russian detention centre.

  • In 2008 there was introduced winter break competition which became regular later since 2013.
  • These farmers are now fighting to ensure their communities are fed and get their crops out to the world.
  • In July, her family was shaken when Ukrainian grain tycoon Oleksiy Vadaturksy and his wife were killed by a Russian missile while sleeping in their home in Mykolaiv.

Culture Despite many obstacles, Ukraine’s history demonstrates a nation’s determination to preserve its ancestors’ legacy. Through its cultural projects, the UNWLA showcases the uniqueness of Ukrainian art, language, traditions and the unbending will of a nation to preserve its legacy and continue its creative spirit. Education The UNWLA has put a lot of effort into supporting education through which the Ukrainian people can learn to rely on themselves, improve their circumstances and create new opportunities for themselves and their nation.

Women flee and show solidarity as a war ravages Ukraine

A politically weak Ukraine, with high levels of corruption, will be prey to future attacks and the West may hesitate to continue to support its independence. Ukrainians are already looking to a future free of Russian interference. Political leaders are calling for international support to finance the reconstruction of the country – a cost estimated at between $350 billion and $750 billion and rising. Oleksandra Matviichuk, a human rights lawyer, is the director of Kyiv’s Centre for Civil Liberties, which shared the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

Kyiv, Ukraine – In May, 26-year-old Ukrainian military nurse Viktoria Obidina was forced to part with her four-year-old daughter. Former prisoners of war, swapped in a recent deal, say they were subjected to starvation and other forms of abuse. Today, some of the Ukrainians in Israel are holding out hope that the new incoming government will do more to help them. The resources made available for supporting women who have been trafficked upon arrival in Israel are scarce. “In the past several months, this has become a vulnerability issue,” she adds, explaining that women are often at risk particularly because they are so dependent on others for survival. The Times of Israel visited twice in December and was prevented from seeing the rooms on both occasions.

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When women do not participate, as in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Colombia, the durability of peace deals decreases by 15 years, according to a 2015 report by the Institute for Peace. Women are vital in the war effort – but better female political representation will be needed to rebuild Ukraine, argues Trisha de Borchgrave. She will reunite with Alisa after several weeks of psychological rehabilitation in the eastern city of Dnipro. Inga Chikinda, a Ukrainian marine and former POW, after a news conference in Kyiv [Mansur Mirovalev/Al Jazeera]Alisa’s bus spent days stranded in no man’s land in the southern region of Zaporizhia. Luckily, a woman at the filtration camp in the southeastern town of Mangush told Obidina she could take Alisa to Ukrainian-controlled territory. You lose the sense of time, and the most horrible thing is that you can’t stop it,” Ihor Kozlovsky, a theologian who spent several months in Isolyatsia, told Al Jazeera in 2021.

For example, in 2022 Ukraine adopted the national strategy on equality of women and men, covering the period up to 2030. Social attitudes towards women soldiers have also improved a great deal over the past few years. For example, the percentage of Ukrainians who agreed that women in the military should be granted equal opportunities with men increased dramatically from 53% in 2018 to 80% in 2022. Not only have many of these formal obstacles now been removed, but gender advisers and audits have been introduced to encourage a military culture that is more welcoming for women.

In some cases, the women’s dire economic situation, coupled with the trauma of war, snowballs into the worst possible outcomes. When Svetlana followed up with the help of former MK Ibtisam Mara’ana as to why, the police said she was welcome to appeal the decision by providing further evidence. By then, Svetlana, severely traumatized, said she had no strength to continue with the investigation. She has since left Israel for “a country that accepts refugees,” according to Udovichenko. Svetlana is one of over 47,000 Ukrainians — the vast majority of them women — who traveled to Israel since the start of the invasion but who are not eligible for citizenship under Israel’s Law of Return, according to Israel’s Welfare Ministry. Of these, only approximately 15,000 currently remain in Israel, with the rest having chosen to leave. Not a single Ukrainian fleeing the war has been accorded refugee status by Israel.

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